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ABC Contract Extension Agreement 7/30/24

Temporary Administration - Hearing Officer's Report

RVP-4 Special Election Notice



Local 41 – Temporary Administration – Hearing conducted by CWA


NBCU-NABET 2022-2027 Memorandum of Agreement


To:                  NABET-CWA Local 41 Membership

From:              Eugene Maxwell, Temporary Administrator (Trustee) of Local 41

Date:               October 30, 2023

Re:                  Temporary Administration (Trusteeship) of Local 41


            Last Friday, October 27, 2023, the CWA Executive Board passed a motion placing NABET-CWA Local 41 into Temporary Administration and appointed me to serve as Temporary Administrator. The Executive Board has this authority under Article XIII, Section 8(b) of the CWA Constitution and under Section 302 of the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (“LMRDA”).  I have assumed temporary control over the administration of the Local.  As you may know I am a retired member of NABET-CWA and a former President of NABET Local 16 (CWA Local 51016), in New York City.

            The CWA Executive Board took this action upon receipt of a petition signed by 56 Local 54041 members, including eleven (11) Local 41 Executive Board Members stating that there has been financial mismanagement of Local 41 and other violations of the Local By-Laws, Sector By-Laws, and the CWA Constitution. 

            As Temporary Administrator, I have been vested with full control of the Local, its finances and all business of the Local.  Any attempt to appropriate the Local’s funds or assets during the period of the Temporary Trusteeship will violate the Bylaws and the CWA Constitution. 

            During the period of the Temporary Trusteeship, the powers, and duties of the Local 41 officers and Executive Board members are suspended.  No compensation for officers or Executive Board members will be paid during the Trusteeship except as specifically authorized by me.  Local Stewards elected in accordance with the By-Laws will continue to receive their stipends for doing their valuable work for the members.

            Local Executive Board meetings, including the meeting scheduled for November 29, 2023, are cancelled.

            In the coming weeks, I will work with Local 41 stewards and members to restore democratic procedures, and sound financial practices, to Local 41. 

When I arrived at the Local 41 offices, I was surprised to find that the office telephone system has not been working for some time.  For the time being, the best way to reach me is via email at:  I am working to have the office phones repaired as quickly as possible.

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